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2009: European Year of Creativity and Innovation – The European Parliament
 ICEIRD2009 - Call for Papers
Full Papers (for review)
Authors are requested to submit a full paper of 6-10 pages in either Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format using this template. The template has all the styles required for formatting the text. The easiest way to prepare the camera ready is to download the template, delete all exixting text, add your unformatted text and use the styles (top-left drop down menu) to format it. Only papers in this format will be published. Submitted papers, which will go under blind review by at least two referees, must be submitted electronically through the EasyChair Conference System.
Camera Ready Papers (after acceptance)
Following acceptance, authors are requested to sumbit a camera-ready paper using this template to the secretariat of ICEIRD2009 by email (iceird2009@seerc.org) in both Microsoft Word or PDF format.

Each presentation will last 20 minutes (15 + 5 minutes for questions). All rooms are fully equiped. Presenters will be requested to upload their presentation at least 15 minutes before the start of their session. Presenters could also use their own laptop. Techinal support will be provided.

The Conference Proceedings, including all papers presented, will be published as a SEERC book edited by the Conference Chairs.

Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the International Journal for Innovation and Regional Development (IJIRD), Interscience Publisher Ltd.
Note: The official language of the conference is English.

2nd International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development
City College, Affiliated Institution of the University of Sheffield
South-East European Research Center SEERC
Thessaloniki, 24-25 Apri 2009
Contact: iceird2009@seerc.org