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Proceedings of the 2nd South East European Workshop on Formal Methods: Formal Methods: Challenges in the Business World

The 2nd South-East European Workshop on Formal Methods (SEEFM05) took place in Ohrid, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, on the 18th and 19th of November 2005. It was organised jointly by CITY College, SEERC, and the University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius and held as a satellite event of the 2nd Balkan Conference in Informatics. The SEEFM workshop series aims to bring together researchers from countries of South-East Europe and beyond, who share an interest in Formal Methods. The workshop attracted participants from Greece, FYROM, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Hungary, Turkey, Russia, but also from the UK, Germany, France, Algeria, and Brazil. The proceedings comprise a total of 19 papers presented at the conference (10 full papers, 7 discussion papers, and 2 invited papers).