The focus of the research seminar will be the development of enterprise education in Universities. Although based on research conducted by Dr. Luke Pittaway exploring the sustainability of enterprise education the discussion will be mainly practical and interactive. The seminar will first explore the different forms of enterprise education and what these mean for pedagogy and learning designs. Enterprise education varies between a focus on ‘enterprise skills’ and ‘enterprising people’ to a focus on venture creation and entrepreneurs. Likewise the focus on how enterprise can be taught varies between traditional ‘about’ modes to more innovative ‘for’ and ‘through’ modes of educational practice. The main part of the seminar will focus on the practical issues. It will focus on examples of practice including those designed to create graduate entrepreneurs; extracurricula activities and methods for embedding it in the curriculum. There will be some focus given to the challenges of enterprise education in different disciplines within the University context and some discussion about educational designs for encouraging learning for entrepreneurs themselves.
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Strategies for Embedding Enterprise Education in Universities

Presenter(s) Dr. Luke Pittaway, University of Sheffield
Seminar type Open Seminar Series
Location SEERC Seminar Room
Date and time 04/10/2007, 10:00 – 11:00
Website http://