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Research associate position in Broker@Cloud project (quality assurance in cloud service brokers). Deadline: 20 August 2013

Research associate position in Broker@Cloud project (quality assurance in cloud service brokers). Deadline: 20 August 2013
Added on 19/07/2013

SEERC invites applications for a Research Associate position in the EU-funded research project Broker@Cloud (, which starts in September 2013. The aim of the project is to develop a framework that will equip cloud service intermediaries with advanced methods and mechanisms for continuous quality assurance and optimization of software-based cloud services. The framework will allow enterprise cloud service brokers to monitor the obligations of service providers towards service consumers, as well as to detect opportunities for optimising service consumption.

The main task of the post-holder will be to carry out research and development on Java-based mechanisms for quality control of software-based cloud services, and to assist with technical writing and documentation for the project. A solid theoretical background in computer science and experience in software development with Java EE and web technologies are essential. Familiarity with cloud computing concepts and/or particular cloud technology stacks will be evaluated positively. Familiarity with Semantic Web technologies, Linked Data techniques, or ontology-based reasoning would also be considered a plus. Applicants should hold a good first degree and postgraduate degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Informatics Engineering, or a related discipline.

The successful candidate will join the Information and Knowledge Management research group at SEERC ( and will be based in Thessaloniki, Greece, on a full-time basis. Fluency in English is a prerequisite. Knowledge of Greek would be an advantage but is not necessary. The post-holder is expected to be highly motivated and proactive, have excellent organisation and communication skills, and be eager to disseminate research results by authoring articles and papers, and presenting at international conferences and seminars.

For additional information, including eligibility criteria, candidate profile, terms and conditions of employment and application submission process, please refer to the full job description by clicking here.

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