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PhD Award

PhD Award
Added on 06/04/2023

Congratulations to Bujar Gallopeni, who had his viva on Tuesday, 4 April and was awarded the PhD subject to minor revisions. Congratulations also to Bujar’s supervisors, Prof Ana Vivas, Prof Rod Nicolson, and Dr Chris Martin for their great work and support.

Bujar’s PhD research related to examination of intentions to retire among older people in European context. The research involved mix research design of qualitative data collected in Kosovar older participants, and quantitative data using data from Survey on Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), a pan-European panel research infrastructure. Bujar’s research involved investigation of Kosovar and European cohorts of older people in regard to how different factors from organizational and work contexts, as well as social and individual factors may affect intentions of older people to retire or to stay later in labour market. The research brought in important practical implications regarding organizational practices and individual strategies that both organizations and older people may follow to adjust to an ageing workforce demands.

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