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2nd INNOPOLIS newsletter

2nd INNOPOLIS newsletter
Added on 15/02/2011
The 2nd biannual newsletter of the INNOPOLIS project is now available. This issue deals with the study visit and best policy practice seminar organised in Helsinki, the presentation of the Design Factory of Aalto University and of two cases of university-company knowledge exchange. Additionally, the newsletter hosts a very interesting article on "University Cities as Innovation Birthplaces".

The aim of the INNOPOLIS newsletter is to contribute to the overall project dissemination and to generate awareness on the following:
  • Project activities & potential impact
  • Growth potential of knowledge transfer for enterprises & regions.
  • Positive effects of knowledge exchange (hereafter KE) for universities, so as to enhance the legitimacy of such activities among academics.
  • The process and tools that could be used in best policy transfer on knowledge exchange.
  • Importance of collaboration between different stakeholders in order to achieve effective policy transfer
Additionally, the newsletter deals with issues related to regional policies regarding knowledge exchange, the cooperation of Academia with the Industry, ways of supporting innovation, etc. The newsletter is mainly addressed to:

a) Individuals holding key positions in relation to the project aims, within the regions included in the project (i.e. senior academic managers, business support agencies, representatives from business associations chambers & industry groups, etc) and
b) Policy-makers & other stakeholders in university city-regions across the EU (i.e. officials in local & regional authorities, universities, business associations, etc)

See also


Research Clusters

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