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Dr Lambros  Lazuras

Dr Lambros Lazuras

Research Associate
Affiliation: SEERC
Phone: 0030 2310 253478

Dr Lazuras teaches social, work, and introductory psychology units at the International Faculty of The University of Sheffield, CITY College, and is a research associate the South-East European Research Centre (SEERC). His research focuses primarily on health and well being, and has been funded by international academic and professional organizations including Cancer Research UK, the World Anti-Doping Agency, and the European Commission. In 2007, Dr Lazuras was awarded the title of ‘Chartered Psychologist’ and became a full member of the Division for Teachers and Researchers in Psychology of the British Psychological Society (BPS).

PhD Research

  • PhD Topic: Smoking by Young People in Greece

Participation in

Research Projects

PhD Supervision


Click here to view publications by Dr Lambros Lazuras

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