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HE and VET alliance establishment according to Bologna Principals implementation via VET teachers’ capacity building

Project Concept

ALLVET replies to the Erasmus+ EAC/A03/2018 General Call for proposals under Key Action 2: Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices - Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education. The actions under KA2 make it possible for organisations from different participating countries to work together, to develop, share and transfer best practices and innovative approaches in the fields of education, training and youth. The current project aims at contributing to the Bologna tools implementation through HE and VET alliance establishment. The overall objective of ALLVET is to promote development of vocational education through the implementation of the ECTS/TUNING METHODOLOGY for excellence in education.

TUNING Educational Structures in Europe started in 2000 as a project to link the political objectives of the Bologna Process and, at a later stage, the Lisbon Strategy to the higher educational sector. Over time, Tuning has developed into a Process, an approach to (re-) design, develop, implement, evaluate and enhance quality in first, second and third cycle degree programmes. The Tuning approach has been developed by and is meant for higher education institutions.

In this context and in line with Tuning Methodology, ALLVET has set the following specific objectives:

  • Establish a long-term platform/network for HE and VET cooperation via transparent, national and international, educational standards and comparable learning tools and teaching standards implementation in accordance with Bologna criteria.
  • Train an expert pool competent and capable of pedagogical ECTS/Tuning Modules design for university vocational teaching.
  • Establish ALLVET web-space for raising awareness in strengthening the link between education and training and the labour market.

In other words, University staff from partner countries will train in-service vocational teachers on the implementation of Pedagogical ECTS/Tuning modular system while also a training course in English for Specific Purposes will be developed for the purposes of Quality Assurance. The beneficiary partner institutions/countries participating are the following: Don State University (Russia), Ogarev Mordovia State University (Russia), Bologna Club and Russian Register (Open Association of Russian Universities), Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kazakhstan), Narxoz University (Kazakhstan), Suleyman Demirel University (Kazakhstan) and International University of Information Technologies (Kazakhstan). The expected outcomes of the project will facilitate social problem solving of the above regions based on the professional training of staff, especially retraining, pre-training and gaining additional educational insights at an international, national, institutional, individual and regional level.

Project Results

In order to pursue the aforementioned objectives, ALLVET will be organised in 4 WPs:

  • WP1 – Preparation prior to and supporting Development:
    • Kick-off meeting
    • Initiation development of ALLVET web-space after needs analysis of the project for uploading of all academic and administrative documentation.
    • Preparation of Quality Assurance (QA) training for all participants at Kick-off meeting to ensure full implementation of project goals and understanding of Quality Plan and Contingency Plan.
    • Preparation of Curricula materials using ECTS/Tuning modular system and division of modules among PCs.
  • WP2 – Development of the Project:
    • EU training of QA English for Specific Purposes Training and Pedagogical ECTS/Tuning modular system training for PC partners.
    • PC Home Multiplier Factor Training inputs of ESP and general Pedagogical ECTS/Tuning modular system training.
    • First Piloting of 10 Pedagogical ECTS/Tuning Modules.
    • Second Piloting of 10 Pedagogical ECTS/Tuning Modules.
    • Third Piloting of 10 Pedagogical ECTS/Tuning Modules.
    • Home Multiplicator Staff Training of 10 Pedagogical ECTS/Tuning Modules.
  • WP3 – Quality management ALLVET project:
    • EU and PC QA Evaluation of 10 Pedagogical ECTS/Tuning Modules.
    • EU and PC QA Evaluation of First Piloting.
    • First Round of QA monitoring visits by EU partners with Master-Classes inputs.
    • EU and PC QA Evaluation of Second Piloting.
    • Second Round of QA monitoring visits by EU partners.
    • EU and PC QA Evaluation of Third Piloting.
  • WP4 – Dissemination and Exploitation of ALLVET project:
    • ALLVET web-space promotion and maintenance during the 1st year project running.
    • National PC Conference Awareness Day of 1st year project running.
    • ALLVET web-space promotion and maintenance during the 2nd year project running.
    • National PC Conference Awareness Day of 2nd year project running.
    • VET web-space promotion and maintenance during the 3rd year project running.
    • Sustainability.
    • Final Project Conference.


01/01/2020 - 31/12/2022

SEERC Budget

63.841 €




Participating Researchers

See also

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