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A digital approach to qualifying technicians in Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Project Concept

REACT - A digital approach to qualifying technicians in Energy Efficiency in Buildings’ project aims at bringing an innovative digital and work-based learning approach to the energy efficiency technical training. The purpose of the project is to contribute for the 2030 climate and energy targets, through the equipment of EU citizens with a quality harmonized qualification on energy efficiency in buildings, developed to be recognised through all European Union. For this, the European Energy Efficiency in Buildings Technician (EEEBT) qualification will be developed. The project comprises a single of interlocked and independent steps which will culminate on the project results:

  • EEEBT curriculum constituted by the professional profile and competence matrix adopting European tools (EQF and ECVET, using Learning Outcomes oriented vocational curriculum for EQF level 4 and being in line with quality assurance mechanisms (EQAVET). On the curriculum, a detailed description of the training structure will also be present, with theoretical contact hours to be taught face-to-face and online (eLearning) and practical contact hours, which will represent the majority of the workload, to be implemented on working contexts (WBL).
  • REACT innovative digital training materials, developed through an interactive approach, designed in different formats (videos, interactive presentations, downloadable info sheets, clipart’s, web tools, and others);
  • REACT real work life Virtual Simulator, to be played throughout the training course as formative assessment, ensuring learners engagement and providing reports on achieved LOs.
  • REACT formative assessment framework, which will deliver not only a set of single-choice questions but also innovative practical assessment tools such as project assignments to be developed on working context and web quest, which will also help to enhance learner’s digital skills;
  • REACT RPL scheme and tools which will allow workers who have already achieved the LOs, through informal and/or non-formal learning, but do not have a certification or diploma to prove it, to see their knowledge and competencies recognised. Workers who go through the RPL process will then have the opportunity to take only the CU they have not proven to be knowledgeable and skilled, in order to receive the qualification diploma.
  • REACT guideline for further exploitation that will provide detailed instructions on how to set an eLearning training course on eLearning platforms, complete with helpful tips on how to administer online training.

One of the major innovations on REACT project is the delivery of ready to use materials, ready to be set on any VET provider' eLearning platform. All the digital training materials, Virtual Simulator and formative assessment framework will be delivered on ready to use formats, which will work on any Moodle platform. The guideline will ensure the easy adoption of project results.

Project Results

  • REACT Curriculum

The curriculum includes the EEEBT professional profile and Competence Matrix (using Learning Outcomes (LOs) adequate to EQF level 4). The methodology for the EEEBT curriculum is learner centred. The qualification will be structured in independent competence units (CUs), allowing RPL for workers wanting to reskill or to see their work experience and correspondent competences recognised. The qualification comprises theoretical (eLearning and face to face) workload, and WBL which should represent the majority of the workload. Four CUs will be developed:

CU1 - Basics of Energy Efficiency in Buildings (Energy Units, Power Units and Costs; Power-climate comfort; Constructions Materials for energy efficiency)

CU2 - Technologies for Energy Efficiency ((HVAC/ boiler/ illumination / energy class, etc.)

CU3 - Methodology for the application of audit measures (• Specifications of an energy audit; Legal Requirements; NZEB Buildings; Priority Management)

CU4 - Monitoring of energy efficiency actions

  • REACT summative assessment framework

Partners will develop 20 single choice questions per CU each, regarding the CUs training materials, which represent the theoretical summative assessment for the qualification. In addition, at least to other summative assessment tools will be developed: project assignments (partners will develop 2 per CU each) and web quests (1 per CU each).

  • REACT Digital Training Materials

These results comprise digital training materials in digital formats (videos, presentations, clipart’s, downloadable info sheets, interactive scenarios), ready to be uploaded on any e-learning platform. One of the major results regarding this topic is the development of a real work life Virtual Simulator (serious game) which will perform as formative assessment. At the end of the simulation/game it will be displayed the themes/areas where learners need to study more and the areas on which LOs have been achieved. The project focus on the digitalization of training to meet the needs of our globalized age. Thus, the digital training materials will be designed in an attractive manner, enhancing user experience, therefore, motivating the learner to learn.

  • REACT RPL scheme and tools

The RPL scheme proposal will be designed through the project to enhance RPL adaptation to each national scenario throughout the European Union. The scheme will be ready for the incorporation by national educational agencies.

  • REACT Guideline for further exploitation

A guideline comprising the order, timing and other relevant information, about the setting up of the digital training materials on an e-learning platform will be developed as well in order to facilitate the incorporation of this training course on VET provider' learning platforms, such as Moodle, etc.


01/09/2019 - 31/08/2021

SEERC Budget

60.782 €




Participating Researchers

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